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Three full-body drawings of Cherry from Snip Snip Snippy, for reference purposes.  In order, she is facing forward with a hand on her hip and one down to her side, facing away with her hands down and a faint x-ray of her clothes beneath her long hair, and facing to the left with her hand on her hip, all with a neutral expression.    She is a young woman with light skin, long red hair, bangs covering her whole forehead, a simple black choker, a cream colored short-sleeve shirt with a Peter Pan style collar, a dark red skirt that comes up to just below her chest and goes halfway down her thighs, cream colored thigh-high socks, and dark red Mary Jane shoes.  At the top and to the right is text that reads 'Snip Snip Snippy- Cherry.'  Beneath that is nine different lineart-only drawings of Cherry making different expressions and poses with various notes.  They are as follows, left-to-right, top-to-bottom.  A headshot of her making a bored expression, with an arrow pointing to a headshot of her making an exaggerated shocked expression, the blocky strands of hair in front of her shoulders flying upwards and looking frayed at the ends, with a note beneath reading 'front hair can emote!'  Cherry on the ground with a slightly hurt expression, propping herself up on one elbow and pushing up off the ground with her other hand, with a note reading 'Joints aren't very rigid!  Limbs are like tubes.'  A headshot of her looking off to the side with a smile and one raised eyebrow.  A headshot of her with a frightened expression, eyes and mouth wide, sweating slightly, brows furrowed, and hair wiggly.  A waist-up shot of her looking nervous and holding one of her front strands of hair in both hands, with a note reading 'fidgets with hair.'  A headshot of her looking furious, teeth gritted, hair bushing up slightly.  A headshot of her making a sad expression, looking down and to the side, hair falling straight down.  A waist-up shot of her laughing, front hair curling up and to either side, wrapping her arms around her front. A poster featuring a large cast of characters.  The most in-focus ones are a teenager with long brown hair in a ponytail, a bandage on their cheek, a red scarf, black tanktop, brown pants and boots, black gloves, and silver plating around their forearms and on their hips- another teenager with grey hair in pigtails resembling mouse ears, a brown gas mask slung around their neck- a grey hooded dress with short sleeves and a leather pouch on a belt which extends like a tail, leather gloves, and long grey socks leading into shoes with three metal pieces on the toes resembling an animal's paws- and a little doll with red hair in pigtails, a rose-gold tiara off to one side- and a purple, red, and pink dress with sleeves that are way too long for her arms.  The doll is riding on the teen's backs and waving her fist as the teens, both with strained expressions, support each other as they reach for a big blue Crystalline Halberd shining and floating in the air.  Various fantasy characters with similarly whimsical designs, with dimmer lines and darker colors as though they're in shadow, are working together to hold those three up like a tower.  In the background is a mass of spiky blue crystals, and a knight emerging from the center of it, with silver armor, bandages wrapped around her neck, dark feathers resembling a mohawk on top of her helmet, side-eying the teens reaching for the halberd with one round white eye from the darkness of her helmet. An illustration of the main character and Elby from Snip Snip Snippy.  The designs are different from the ones they have in the game itself, most noticeably in the main character.  The main character is lanky and has purple skin with teal undertones, scribbled out eyes, no visible nose, short flippy hair with a thin cowlick, and simple dangling earrings that are teal with purple shading.  They're wearing a teal long-sleeved shirt that has its collar much closer to their neck, turqouise short-shorts, knee-high purple socks, and sneakers of a slightly lighter purple.  Elby is fat and has dark skin, short dark green hair with dark yellow shadows which points forward at the bottom rather than to the sides, big cartoony eyes with eyelashes pointing up, a hooked nose, and no visible mouth.  She is wearing a bright yellow with bright green shadows short-sleeved shirt than hangs low on her shoulders to show the straps of a grey undershirt, a dark grey skirt over tight grey shorts just slightly longer than the skirt, and dark grey slip shoes.  The two of them are sitting on a concrete wall in front of some fenced-off bushes.  The main character has an aloof posture, head propped on one hand, one leg hiked up on the edge of the wall, looking nowhere in particular.  Elby is tearing up and twiddling her thumbs, one leg crossed over the other, shoulders hunched, looking up and away from the main character like she's thinking.  The image is mostly covered by a dark purple overlay save for the highlights, which are a soft light yellow.  The whole image has a faint chromatic aberration filter applied to it. A drawing of a young man (me) scrunching his face up and stretching his arms over his head against a transparent background.  He has light skin, dark brown hair with a bright pink clip in the bangs and an orange scrunchie, comically large eyes with slight bags underneath, and sparse stubble.  He is wearing dark magenta sunglasses, an orange hoodie, a dark desaturated purple baggy shirt, a light pink skirt, dark purple leggings, and bright orange sneakers.  There are shaky lines coming off his shoulders to emphasise the effort with which he's stretching. An illustration of a river in a forest clearing, with a girl kneeling by the water.  The water is light pink and comes from a waterfall on the left edge of the picture.  The girl has light brown skin, short curly hair fading from dark brown to deep red, and long, pointy ears.  She wears a purple dress that fades to pink towards the bottom of the skirt with a pink stone on her chest.  She looks down at her blurry reflection in the water with a surprised expression and a tear in her eye.  The grass around the riverbank is short and on the blue-ish side of green.  There are bushes not far from the river with deep magenta leaves.  Among the bushes are green ferns and trees with muddy red bark.  There are bushes, ferns, and trees in the foreground, as well as extending into the background, getting darker as it gets further away from the camera, until it's too dark to see.  There is sunlight filtering into the clearing from the upper left, serving as the only light source. An illustration of a little girl in a fairy costume with a tall figure resembling a scarier fae stood behind her.  The girl, in a pink dress with simple pink butterfly wings on her back and a simple silver crown with pink gems, is smiling wide and holding a trash bag so full of candy that it's bulging.  She has a big angular speech bubble reading 'Trick or treat!'  The fae behind her has a goat skull with little orange goat-like pupils in the back of the dark sockets and little pink strings tied to its horns, a long black cloak and a beige stole which are both tattered at the ends, and dragonfly wings coming from its back.  It is holding a little wand with a big star at the end which is the same color as the little girl's crown.  They are stood on a porch with a couple jack-o-lanterns on either side, with a warm light coming from behind the viewer.  The background as well as much of the fae itself appear blurry and out-of-focus. Another illustration of the main character and Elby from Snip Snip Snippy, now with their newer designs.  The main character has a long-sleeved shirt that rises lower on the shoulders and is considerably lower on one side than the other this time.  The bottom of Elby's hair points to the sides this time, and her hair is darker overall.  The two of them are sitting on the floor of Elby's living room, on top of a couple blankets, with three chairs around them, two of which are knocked on their sides.  There are glow-in-the-dark stars on the wall, and a dark doorway in the back, and not many other decorations visible.  Elby has her hands folded in her lap, with her head tilted down just enough for her bangs to obscure her eyes.  The main character has their back to the camera and is turning to face Elby, one hand slightly raised, as if thinking about reaching out to her.  The whole thing is cel-shaded and has orange undertones to it, like the sun is rising. An illustration of several characters from Snip Snip Snippy; the protagonist, Harry Hairballs (a poorly-made mascot costume of a brown tabby cat in 70s clothes), a short person with blue skin & beady red eyes & a puppet-like mouth wearing headphones, a baseball cap, and an oversized hoodie in varying shades of dark grey, a being made of white flowing masses that fade into purple shadows with one big snake-like eye, and a blurry shadowy figure with big glowing white eyes.  The protagonist is being pulled along by the arm by a light skin-tone hand with sharp nails reaching in from off-screen, as they rub their neck with a nervous expression.  Behind them, Harry walks along, looking as thought it's about to tap them on the shoulder.  The being made of billowing white towers over everyone, staring at the protagonist as it rests one clawed hand on top of their head.  Behind Harry, the short blue person is pushing apart the billowing pieces of the white being as if to follow, but a hand from behind is holding them back by the hat.  The blurry shadowy figure is stood behind and slightly to the side of the white being, looking off into the distance, seemingly not noticing any of this.  The lineart on the piece is slightly blurred, and everything gets slightly darker the further behind the protagonist it gets. A screenshot of a Visual Novel game.  Bevelyne, a middle-aged woman with sharp angular features and joints, blonde hair with bangs covering one eye and a low pony tail held with a big, blocky, bright yellow hair-tie, a simple sleeveless low-cut black dress, and a necklace with a mobius strip pendant, is stood in the center of the screen.  She is looking straight forward towards the camera with an unreadable expression.  A solid black shadow covers half her face and one side of her body, the lineart drawn in white where it overlaps.  Her posture is straight, her hair drooping slightly, and her hands are held low and slightly in front of her as though she's waiting to do something with them.  The background is a simply drawn forest clearing with a blue tarp in the middle.  There is a less opaque black shadow run across the trees in the back, the lineart overlapping it a light grey, and the blackground is blurred in certain places to give off an ethereal feeling.  A white dialoge box at the bottom of the screen, labelled 'Bevelyne' in muddy yellow text, reads 'Let's leave that worry to somebody else.'  There are menu buttons at the bottom of the screen, from left to right: Back, History, Skip (greyed out), Auto, Save, Quick Save, Quick Load (greyed out), and Preferences. Art of two teenagers sitting in the back yard of a small house.  One of them is a thin lanky girl with her hair tied up in a bun at the top & off to the side with a scrunchy, a baggy shirt with the bottom held up by a knot on one side, shorts, sneakers, and socks coming up a little above the tongues of the sneakers.  She is sitting on the edge of the little concrete porch, knees up, elbows resting on her legs, and head resting on her hands, looking down with a forlorn expression.  Sitting next to her is the other teen, shorter, with a round face, messy short hair covering their eyes, freckles, a big hoodie, baggy jeans, and blocky shoes.  They are looking up at the sky with a neutral expression.  It is dark out, largely colored in a dark blue, with a light coming from the sliding glass doors of the house behind them, washing over things with a light bluish-green.  There is a fence off to the left of the house, with trees on the other side.  The colors are mainly analagous, with a pastel-like texture. Two rough sketches of a logo for a fictional establishment, one digital colored version, and a much cleaner version of the digital colored version.  The first rough sketch features a round cat head with fluffy fur, tufts of hair coming off his forehead, round simple eyes, and a Garfield-esque mouth, winking and sticking his tongue out with a smile.  It's next to the words 'Harry Hairballs's Funzoneria' written inside an oval.  The second rough sketch has a much more simplified, sleeker version of the first cat, akin to more modern cartoons, winking and smiling with his mouth wide open, and the text simply reads 'your text here'.  There is a check mark next to the second sketch.  Written between these sketches are the words 'initial sketches', and a 1 and 2 labelling the first and second respectively.  The first digital version is a quick, rough recreation of the second sketch.  The cat is now tan with some brown stripes, a capital H in the middle of the forehead similar to the M-like mark often seen on the foreheads of tabby cats, and his eyes are now colored green.  The text again reads 'Harry Hairballs's Funzoneria', but now the word 'Funzoneria' is awkwardly broken into two lines with a hyphen after 'Funzon'.  The amount of free space gives the impression this was intentional.  The oval behind everything is white with a thick yellow band around the edge, and a thinner yellow oval drawn a little ways within the white, like a dip in certain plates.  Written below this version is the words 'Rough logo used in demo'.  The final, cleaner version is a version of the previous logo with neater, thinner lines, nicer curvature, and the yellow portions of the oval are now airbrushed.  The previous awkward placement of the text remains.  Written below this version is the words 'Cleaner version'. Art of the character Cherry from my game, Snip Snip Snippy.  She is a young woman with long hair, long bangs, long rectangular strands of hair in front of her shoulders, a short-sleeved shirt with a peter pan collar, a high-waisted skirt, thigh-high socks, mary jane shoes, a high-wasted short skirt, and a simple black choker around her neck.  She is sitting on the floor with her legs folded up in front of her.  One hand is on her face with her fingers spread to let her eye look through, and the other is gripping one of the long strands of hair that goes over her shoulder.  She has a frazzled expression with gritted teeth.  The drawing is mainly colored dark red with even darker red shading, except a bright green heart over where her heart would be, and green light is emanating from here.  There is slight chromatic aberration, just to the colors.

To see my art in some games, I upload personal projects to my itch.io.
If you are looking to reach out to me for work, you can contact me here.