My french is incredibly rusty, but not enough so that I can't read a paragraph or two of the old official info page for OFF. I didn't know about this thing until moments before I made this html file, but apparently nobody's translated this? According to the wiki, anyway. So, screw it, why not brush up on my french and take a crack at it? (Large swathes of untranslated french left in for my own convenience until I finish this.)

About OFF...

Off is a classic RPG, where you control a baseball player with one goal : purify the world. It is composed of three main zones, plus Zone Zero serving as the tutorial, and The Room, the final zone of the game.

Bien que l'intro n'en donne pas l'impression, il y a une vraie histoire avec des personnages et tout et tout, c'est promis. Mais je ne vais rien développer ici, je préfère que vous y jouiez...
(rough translation) Although that introduction doesn't give that impression, the real story is about characters and all, I promise. But I am the developer here, I'd prefer it if you play...

Problems and solutions

The game doesn't start up

OFF was made in RPGMaker2003 and normally only runs on Windows. If you don't use Windows, you will have to launch the game in an emulator (Wine for example, exists for Linux and Mac OS).

In rare cases, it is necessary to install RPGMaker 2003 as well as the RTP.

The game doesn't save

Si vous avez téléchargé une version de OFF compressée dans un fichier ZIP ou RAR, décompressez l’intégralité du fichier dans un dossier unique (clic droit sur l’archive puis "Décompresser tout") puis supprimez l’archive ZIP ou RAR et lancez le jeu normalement en double cliquant sur RPG_RT.EXE.

Sous Windows Seven, il est possible que le jeu n’ait pas les droits nécessaires pour enregistrer des fichiers sur le disque dur de votre ordinateur. Tout d’abord, assurez-vous le jeu n’a pas été décompressé dans "Program Files" ou "Program Files x86". Si ça n’a pas résolu le problème, essayez de lancer l’application avec les droits administrateur (clic droit sur le fichier RPG_RT.EXE puis "lancer en tant qu’administrateur").

The screen flickers

By default, OFF launches in fullscreen in 320x240. If your graphics card doesn't continuously display in fullscreen in that resolution, change to windowed mode (by pressing F4 or simultaneously pressing Alt+Enter). If the image is too small, you can double the size of the pixels by pressing F5.

The keyboard controls are not responding

Sometimes certain peripheries connected to the computer come into conflict with the game, disconnect any controllers (type pad(???), joystick, etc.) and restart the game.

Les sons fonctionnent, mais pas les musiques

Téléchargez LAME MP3 Encoder et décompressez les fichiers MP3 contenus dans le dossier "Music" vers du WAV (attention : décompresser les fichiers MP3 nécessite plus d’espace disque).

The text is unreadable

Copy the file "ProFont.fon" (that's in the OFF installation folder) into the Windows font folder ("C:\Windows\fonts" by default). Sur certaines versions de Windows, il est possible d’installer la police de caractère en faisant un clic droit dessus puis "installer la police". (really rough translation) On certain versions of Windows, it is possible you will need to right click on it, then "run as administrator". (I can clearly see something that's gotta mean "run as administrator" elsewhere, and it's not this, but I don't know enough about installing fonts on certain versions of Windows in french to know what else that could be equivalent to orz)